u003ch1 class=u0022root-block-nodeu0022 style=u0022text-align: left;u0022 align=u0022centeru0022u003eu003cstrongu003eu003cspan class=u0022blue-underlineu0022u003eu003cspan lang=u0022EN-USu0022u003eKentucky Weight Distance Taxu003c/spanu003eu003c/spanu003eu003c/strongu003eu003c/h1u003enu003cpu003eThe Kentucky Weight Distance Tax, or KYU, is a tax license that the State of Kentucky requires certain motor carriers to purchase. All carriers, inter-or intrastate, that travel on Kentucky roadways and whose vehicles weigh 60,000 lbs. or more (up to 80,000 lbs., beyond which point you would need an u003cspan style=u0022text-decoration: underline;u0022u003eu003ca href=u0022https://www.overweightpermits.com/kentucky/u0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noopeneru0022u003eoverweight permitu003c/au003eu003c/spanu003e) need to get this license or a temporary permit. The KYU permit is a fixed mileage tax that does not change based on the weight of your vehicle. Kentucky offers permanent registrations for those who will make multiple trips to and through the state, as well as temporary 10-day permits.u003c/pu003enu003cpu003eThe Kentucky Intrastate Tax, or KIT, is a fuel consumption tax. This tax requires any u003cstrongu003eKentucky-basedu003c/strongu003e vehicle with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,000 pounds (or 10,000 pounds if the vehicle has more than two axles) to pay a tax on fuel usage within the state of Kentucky. The tax rate is higher for special fuels, such as diesel, than it is for regular gasoline. KIT is effectively the Kentucky-only version of IFTA, meaning if you are registered for IFTA, you do not need a KIT number or to file KIT returns.u003c/pu003en
u003ch4 style=u0022text-align: center;u0022u003eu003cstrongu003eNote:u003c/strongu003e You need u003cspan style=u0022text-decoration: underline;u0022u003eu003cstrongu003ebothu003c/strongu003eu003c/spanu003e the KYU permit and KIT if you are a Kentucky-based carrier with a vehicle weighing 60,000–80,000 lbs. When you have obtained them, you need to display both the KIT and KYU Numbers on your truck!u003c/h4u003en

u003ch3 id=u0022para-reqsu0022u003eRequirements to Get Your KYU or KIT Numberu003c/h3u003enu003cpu003eIn order to get you your Kentucky weight distance filing, we require some information from you. Then we will be able to file for your KYU permit online. Before you get started, make sure you have this information ready:u003c/pu003enu003culu003enu003cliu003eUSDOT number, company name and owner (DBA if applicable), carrier tax ID (FEIN, SSN, EIN, or SIN), and mailing and physical addresses (we’ll autofill this information using your USDOT number).u003c/liu003enu003cliu003eContact information: the name of the filer, phone number, and email.u003c/liu003enu003cliu003eThe type of business you operate (sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership, or other).u003c/liu003enu003cliu003eWhich filing you need: KYU, KIT, or both.nu003culu003enu003cliu003eu003cstrongu003eIf you select KIT:u003c/strongu003e if you’ve had a KIT number before, you will need to provide the name you had it under, the old KIT number, and whether the account was cancelled in good standing or not.u003c/liu003enu003c/ulu003enu003c/liu003enu003cliu003eTruck information: VIN, license plate number, base state, number of axles, year, make, model, type of fuel used, unit number, gross vehicle weight (GVW), unloaded weight, and truck status.nu003culu003enu003cliu003eu003cstrongu003eIf your truck is Kentucky-basedu003c/strongu003e, you will need to provide your title number as well.u003c/liu003enu003c/ulu003enu003c/liu003enu003cliu003eBilling information: credit card number, name on card, expiration date, and billing address.u003c/liu003enu003cliu003eu003cstrongu003eKIT Only:u003c/strongu003e in order to complete your KIT number order, you will need to sign a Power of Attorney document. You will receive this document in your email once you place your order.u003c/liu003enu003c/ulu003en
u003ch3u003eu003cstrongu003eNote:u003c/strongu003e you will also need an u003cspan style=u0022text-decoration: underline;u0022u003eu003ca href=u0022https://ucr.online/u0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noopeneru0022u003eu003cstrongu003eactive UCRu003c/strongu003e registrationu003c/au003eu003c/spanu003e to complete these filings. You will not have to provide us with this information, however.u003c/h3u003en
u003ch2 id=u0022para-payu0022u003ePayments and Deadlines for Your KYU/KIT Registrationu003c/h2u003enu003cpu003eu003cstrongu003eKYU:u003c/strongu003e Once you have your KYU number for your truck, you’ll have to file your KYU tax once per quarter. You can do this by registering online through the u003cspan style=u0022text-decoration: underline;u0022u003eu003ca href=u0022https://drive.ky.gov/motor-carriers/Pages/KYU.aspxu0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noopeneru0022u003eKentucky Motor Carrier Portalu003c/au003eu003c/spanu003e. Through this portal, you can also update your truck inventory if your vehicles or their gross vehicle weights change. You can also email us at u003cspan style=u0022text-decoration: underline;u0022u003eu003ca href=u0022mailto:[email protected]@kentuckyweightdistance.comu003c/au003eu003c/spanu003e or call u003cspan style=u0022text-decoration: underline;u0022u003eu003ca href=u0022tel:5023510002u0022u003e(502) 351-0002u003c/au003eu003c/spanu003e and we’ll help you out. Remember to keep track of your mileage while you drive through Kentucky so you can file your returns accurately! We will calculate the KYU permit cost and then charge you, with your authorization, accordingly.u003c/pu003enu003cpu003eu003cstrongu003eKIT:u003c/strongu003e KIT is also a quarterly filing. The amount you pay depends on what kind of fuel you use within the state of Kentucky. You can file your KIT taxes by registering online through the u003cspan style=u0022text-decoration: underline;u0022u003eu003ca href=u0022https://drive.ky.gov/motor-carriers/Pages/KYU.aspxu0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noopeneru0022u003eKentucky Motor Carrier Portalu003c/au003eu003c/spanu003e or by contacting us at u003cspan style=u0022text-decoration: underline;u0022u003eu003ca href=u0022mailto:[email protected]@kentuckyweightdistance.comu003c/au003eu003c/spanu003e or u003cspan style=u0022text-decoration: underline;u0022u003eu003ca href=u0022tel:5023510002u0022u003e(502) 351-0002u003c/au003eu003c/spanu003e. You’ll need to keep track of your mileage (including off-road miles), how many gallons of fuel you use, and what kind of fuel you use for KIT. Make sure to write all of this down as you go, so you don’t run into tax trouble later!u003c/pu003enu003cpu003eu003cstrongu003eTemporary Permits:u003c/strongu003e You can also get temporary KYU and KIT permits that last for 10 days. These permits charge you a flat rate to conduct all of your operations within Kentucky for 10 days. You don’t need to keep track of anything for these permits, though we will ask you for your route so we can estimate your mileage in Kentucky.u003c/pu003en

u003ch2 id=u0022para-expertsu0022u003eOur Kentucky Weight Distance Permit Experts are Here to Help.u003c/h2u003enu003cp class=u0022root-block-nodeu0022 data-changed=u0022falseu0022 data-paragraphid=u002252u0022u003eTax codes can get complicated fast. At KentuckyWeightDistance.com, we do our best to clear up these challenging rules and regulations so truckers everywhere don’t have to worry about missing anything. We work with multiple other agencies to stay up-to-date with all regulations that could affect your haul.u003c/pu003enu003cp data-changed=u0022falseu0022 data-paragraphid=u002252u0022u003eWith our quick and easy e-filing service, you can drive in peace knowing that the professionals have done all you need to do. You won’t have to worry about any audits or regulatory trouble. We make it our mission to find any applicable laws and regulations and get you the paperwork you need to do what you do best.u003c/pu003enu003cp data-changed=u0022falseu0022 data-paragraphid=u002252u0022u003eWhether you need a new KYU or KIT number, temporary permits, or help parsing out the regulations that apply to you, we can help you with all of your Kentucky weight distance permit needs. Contact us today!u003c/pu003en
u003ch2 style=u0022text-align: center; margin-top: 25px;u0022u003eRegister for KYU and KIT in 3 Simple Steps!u003c/h2u003e
u003ch2 id=u0022FAQanchoru0022 style=u0022text-align: center;u0022u003eFrequently Asked u003cspan class=u0022theme_highlightu0022u003eQuestionsu003c/spanu003e u0026 u003cspan class=u0022theme_highlightu0022u003eAnswersu003c/spanu003eu003c/h2u003e
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